Transhumance in Kolda: Fabouly Gaye enters the "Macky"


Fabouly Gaye is no longer a member of the PDS from this Wednesday, July 11th. "Dinding Manso", as his comrades affectionately call him, made his rallying statement from his home in the Bantanguel district of Kolda commune, in the presence of many activists.

"Macky Sall has asked me several times to join him in his work of building this country and I declined several times. Today, six months before the presidential elections, I take the courageous and daring decision to respond favorably to his call, "said Fabouly Gaye.

Deciding on the reasons for this rally, Mr. Gaye states bluntly:" Because I simply consider that it is my political duty to recognize Macky Sall's commendable record in the Kolda commune where I am a militant. "

" I did not want to go into blind nihilism. In truth, Macky Sall convinced me by his many accomplishments, "he said, adding that in 1965 Fabouly Gaye enumerated:" He made roads in Kolda neighborhoods where I beat campaign to demand the construction of basic social infrastructure, the Great Mosque is completely rebuilt. Added to this is a university under construction … "

In addition, continues the former president of the regional council of Kolda," As much as he needs me, as much I need more Macky Sall for the fight of dredging of the river, the management of the Kolda Forests, the promotion of Kolda's daughters and sons, among others.

For all these important projects for Kolda, "I got favorable answers from President Macky Sall"

For this reason, "I decided to join him in his re-election in the first round in 2019," he concluded.

ismaila.mansaly@koldanews. com

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