Trevor Noah explained after his polemical remarks


After the coronation of the Blues World Sunday, July 15, the team of France is the subject of many attacks of a racist nature. Among them, the American host of the "Daily Show" congratulated "Africa" ​​for this victory. The reason ? The African origins of some players of the French football team. Polemical remarks that have not passed.

In a letter addressed to the animator and published on Twitter, the French ambassador in Washington, Gérard Araud, reacted: "The rich and varied origins of these players are a reflection of the diversity of France (. ..) Unlike the United States, France does not refer to its citizens in function of their race, religion or origin . "

" Calling them an African team , he continues it seems that you denied their French identity Even in the form of a joke, this legitimizes the ideology that claims to be white as the only definition of the French identity ".

"I will continue to rent them as Africans …"

Trevor Noah, of South African descent, is one of the most fashionable presenters in the United States ]. Following this letter from the ambassador, he explained his words. Although he admits that the extreme right in France and the United States uses the original argument to attack immigrants, the animator has not changed his mind about what he said.

"When I say they are Africans, I do not say to exclude them from their French identity," he tried to explain at one of his shows. "I say it for to include them in my Africanity ".

Trevor Noah also said to find "strange" to imply that the players could not be both French and Africans : "When they are unemployed, they commit a crime or they are unpleasant, we speak of them as African migrants . But when their children win a World Cup for France, we should talk about them as French ( …) Why can not they be both? ", He asked, to the applause of the public.

Trevor Noah also recalled his joke aimed especially at celebrating the diversity of the France team . He ended by saying: "I will continue to praise them as Africans because I think they come from Africa (their parents are Africans) and can be French at the same time (…) And if the French say they can not be both, so I think it's them who have a problem, not me. "

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