Turkey, world leader in tobacco control


Thanks to the measures implemented by Turkey since 2009, the country has been declared "Leading Country in the Field of Tobacco Control" by the World Health Organization (WHO).

the information compiled by a correspondent of the Anadolu Agency (AA) through the Strategy Paper on Tobacco Control and the Action Plan (2019-2023), more than one billion people worldwide, including mostly individuals from low- and middle-income countries, and more than 15 million people in Turkey are smokers.

More than seven million people worldwide and more than 100,000 people in Turkey die each year from related diseases Smoking is now considered an international public health problem

In addition, about one million people die each year worldwide due to passive smoking from exposure to tobacco smoke.

– A Government Policy

Turkey, which views smoking and second-hand smoke as important public health problems, has made considerable efforts in transforming the struggle in this area into genuine government policy.

As such, the first legislation came into force in 1996. Turkey ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control on 28 April 2004. Published in the Official Journal, the Convention entered into force on 30 November 2004. Turkey became the 44th country to sign the said Convention.

In order to prevent the use of tobacco, the damage related to its consumption and to protect the health of the community, a radical change of legislation took place in 2008

"An Act to amend the Tobacco Damage Prevention Act" was passed by Parliament on January 3, 2008.

To increase social cohesion and to support this change of legislation, a progressive application was launched during the period between May 19, 2008 and July 8, 2009.

The provisions of this Law, relating to the public spaces covered, entered into force. May 19, 2008.

As for the provisions relating to spaces managed by private-law legal persons, including restaurants, cafés, etc., the latter entered into force on July 19, 2009.

In this context, ban on the consumption of tobacco products has been imposed on all closed areas except private residences.

Strong media campaigns were conducted under the slogan "Protect Tone Air" and "Space Smoke Free".

In addition to preventing passive exposure to tobacco smoke, people traveled the entire territory, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to warn smokers about the risks of smoking. encourage them to stop smoking.

– "Leading country in the fight against smoking"

In this respect, the consumption of tobacco products was banned in all public spaces covered in 2008.

Artists, athletes, politicians as well as ordinary citizens, were invited to participate in communication campaigns to increase compliance and social support for legislation.

Some 450 polyclinics dedicated to helping smokers who want to quit smoking have been set up in the 81 Turkish provinces.

The "ALO 171" line to help tobacco users has been launched.

Through polyclinics, drugs used in the treatment of drug addiction and nicotine replacement therapy products were also distributed free to citizens.

In addition, all kinds of advertising, sponsorship and promotional activities for the benefit of cigarettes have been prohibited.

Increasing the price of tobacco and tax burdens, one of the most effective methods to reduce the demand for tobacco products, has also been implemented.

Since 2004, Turkey's major success in the fight against tobacco has been remarkable.

As a result of work throughout the country, Turkey has been declared a "leading country in the field of tobacco control" by WHO.

Moreover, it became the first country to have implemented all the measures of tobacco control provided for by the "MPOWER" program.

The measures of the program may be listed as follows:

– Monitor: Monitoring Tobacco Use

– Protect: Protecting the Population from Tobacco Smoke

– Offer: Offer assistance to those who want to give up smoking.

– Warn: Warning Against the Dangers of Smoking

– Enforce: Enforcing the Prohibition on Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship

– Raise: Increasing Taxes on tobacco products

The variety, frequency and scale of field surveys used for monitoring and evaluation have been improved.

In this context, the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), conducted every four years in Turkey, was supported by the two-year health survey conducted by the Turkish Institute of Statistics (TUIK).

– "The rate of tobacco consumption has decreased"

Thanks to the measures implemented in Turkey, the rate of tobacco consumption in the country has significantly decreased.

While the rate of tobacco users in Turkey aged over 15 was 31.2% in 2008, this rate decreased to 27% in 2012.

Following the detection of 'an increase in consumption in 2014, more measures have been taken so that the rates have relapsed in 2016.

Finally, new measures to fight against smoking will be applied in Turkey as part of the Struggle Strategy against Smoking and the Action Plan (2019-2023).


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