UCAD launches a master's degree in environment and mine waste management.


The Institute of Environmental Sciences of the University Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) of Dakar, in partnership with the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal (EPM), has launched a new Master in environment and management of mining discharges

According to the director of the Institute of Environmental Sciences (ISE) of UCAD, Bienvenu Sambou, this master's degree aims to train human resources "with proven skills"

In return, these people could contribute to "the improvement of the relations between the populations and the mining companies", he explained during the launching ceremony.

And the director of the ISE to signal that the "mining sector" offers real opportunities but the exploitation is not without risk ", from where according to him the importance of this formation consists in a" plea for a better taking into account of the environment ".

Ghislain Rivard of the Polytechnic School of Montreal no for its part an "institutional relevance in the specialization in the rehabilitation of mining sites."

He believes that the mastery of biological and technological tools "is necessary to find innovative solutions" to the problems of rejection management

Scheduled for two years, the training will start with the start of the academic year 2018-2019) and will include specializations in geoscience (geotechnical mining, applied hydrogeology, soil mechanics) and environmental and social (social impacts, participation communities, audit and impact studies)

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