UGB platform mobilizes St Louis players (video)


This multidisciplinary platform aims to "generate participatory dynamics between the actors of agricultural development, producers, technicians, researchers, traders and decision-makers". It will enable these actors to access and use agro-climatic information with a view to adopting better adaptation options to climate change.

" Senegal, a Sahelian country, faced with the harmful consequences of drought, is challenged by this issue because of its predominantly agricultural economy, which is highly dependent on climatic conditions. Any deterioration or unfavorable climate condition inevitably affects agricultural production, thus compromising food security Ousmane THIARÉ recalled, referring to the disastrous consequences of climate change on the production capacity of traditional agriculture in the Senegal River Delta.

He also expressed his "satisfaction" and "pride" to see "all categories of development actors" gather around the platform.

" I salute the commitment of the UFR Agro carrier of this project. I remain convinced that the teachers-researchers of this UFR, known for their commitment to support research or agricultural production programs related to Senegal's territorial development policies, will bring their scientific expertise to this laborious process of setting up Added the president of the Assembly of the UGB.

"We have skills. They must serve all populations so that they can be in a position to take into account all the impacts related to these phenomena, "said Rector THIARÉ.

Professor Seydou Nourou SALL, INNOVACSA Coordinator, welcomed the support of OSIWA in the implementation of the project before indicating that it will be for the stakeholders to "co-build innovative strategies based on the results of the project. research and endogenous knowledge of the actors of agriculture ".

"The process undertaken through this program is a" Research-Action ", which takes into account the knowledge and know-how of the producers," explained Mr. SALL.

Continuing, he said that "the scientific challenge to strengthen the resilience of producer groups to climate change for food security is considerable."

>>> The reactions on video …

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