Unsure candidacy of Karim: The uncomfortable position of the Pds • Rewmi.com


The registration of Karim Meïssa Wade on the electoral lists was rejected by the competent services of the Ministry of the Interior, based on article 31 of the Electoral Code.

The administration considered that his conviction to more than 5 years by the Court of repression of the illicit enrichment (Crei), constitutes a block to this inscription.

A position of the authorities which opens to him the way of appeal before the Senegalese authorities in Kuwait, its place of

Nevertheless, convinced that it is pain lost, these supporters of the Senegalese Democratic Party (Pds) expressed, the day before yesterday, their exasperation with what they always put on the account of the will of the President Macky Sall to prevent Karim's candidacy

They say they are ready to fight with the regime so that the registration of their candidate will be accepted so that his future candidacy will be accepted.

The conviction is based on the fact that the judge did not, during the verdict, speak of the degradation of his civic and civil rights.

More, they estimate, with some experts like Assane Dioma Ndiaye who is of the same opinion, that Article L31 of the Electoral Code does not cite Crei among the offenses to constitute a blocking of eligibility.

All to say that the Pds is in an uncomfortable position.

If he complies with the position of the administration, it will give the impression of having surrendered and especially of having given up without fighting. Hence his speech goes to war that is part of a logic adopted in recent months. He has the advantage of haranguing the crowds, of gathering them around an ideal.

But, the adversary of the Pds is today the time. A few months before the presidential election, the time is no longer for trial and error …

The question of candidacy should not be doubted in the minds of activists. Now, it's quite the opposite now. Unfortunately, there is no more serious reason for demobilization than to see leaders procrastinate on such important issues.

The General Assembly held last week by the federations gathered in Dakar and the common tone speaks volumes about the exasperation that animates them

Therefore, an alternative strategy or Plan B is imposed on the Party. And it is not excluded that he works there. Madické Niang, Aguibou Soumare? Names are agitated here and there. But who does it matter who will be on the list? What is important to emphasize is that whatever this candidate is, it is Abdoulaye Wade himself who will lead the operations, just like in the legislative elections. He will be the real Campaign Director and the invisible candidate. Better, those who will vote for the party will do just in his name.

So, his whole strategy is centered on the fact that it is necessary to take Macky in the second round and to coalesce against him.

A lot of information about the "unpopularity" of his opponent, but this should not justify the cacophony at the top of this party.

Never underestimate his opponent and Macky will defend himself with conventional weapons and not -conventionnelles. Better still, it has the anointing of some foreign powers …

That is to say that in the face of such a tough opponent, the opposition in the first rank of which the Pds, should offer a better show in terms of organization and

The mistake for Karim and his flock had been to accept exile. He is paying for this by being confined to the humiliating position of an "exile". And in politics, mistakes pay cash.

Assane Samb

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