Urban Crop Development Fund: Staffing doubled next year


From 300 million CFA, the Urban Crop Development Fund will increase to 600 million CFA. This increase will only be effective in 2019, according to its coordinator. For now, the time is in the balance sheet: For this second year, 71 projects were selected against 38 the first. But the rights holders (the vast majority) do not know how to report activities.

The Fund for the development of urban cultures (Fdcu) will go from 300 to 600 million CFA. Even if this promise is materialized by a "notification from the Ministry of Finance", it is nonetheless a wish of the authorities. And for the coordinator of the Fdcu, the envelope is only expected in 2019. "For the moment, it is only a notification. It is never safe to communicate on a notification. In 2019, we can be sure that the envelope will go from 300 to 600 million. This will inevitably involve a modification of many things. The volume of the envelopes will change and we will be able to develop, "said coordinator Oumar Sall, during the press conference presenting the management review of 2017.
For this purpose, it must be remembered that only 38 projects were funded for the first year. Projects are essentially structured. For this year, the requests were much more numerous. And so, the projects selected were much more numerous than those of 2017.
On 115 requests, 71 projects were accepted. For 2018, special attention has been given to gender. The presence of women has been encouraged, says the Fdcu coordinator. On the valuation of the fund, the results "were conclusive". Oumar Sall asserted that "on 2017, the envelope was 300 million, with a puncture of 20 million Treasury. 38 projects and approximately 12 support projects were directly funded. Which gave convincing results. The structural projects were the easiest to evaluate because they wanted to renovate, renew and equip themselves. It was easy to check. They all did what they asked for money. Moreover, it is the "convincing" results that motivated the increase of the fund, according to Lamine Sarr, Cabinet Director of the Minister of Culture and Chairman of the Fund's Management Committee.
Is it necessary to remember, the 300 million CFA were divided into 4 groups. This is the structuring that had a ceiling of 15 million CFA. This sum was to be used to recruit staff and purchase equipment. For creations, the ceiling was 5 million Cfa. This envelope is for production. 5 million were also for broadcasting. This served as a help for the festivals, while 1.5 million Cfa was intended for internal circulation. "This year, the criteria have been maintained. The rights holders had said that they could not benefit twice from a structuring aid, but they realized that it was a mistake. The calls for 2019 may remove this constraint, "said Oumar Sall.
On imperfections, the coordinator pointed out that" 2 aspects were very difficult. For the most part, the reports have not been well written. In 2017, we said we would support one-off projects. The spirit was good, but the feasibility was not thought, because internally it was found that some passed through the minister, and the latter gave instructions. But this year, we told the minister that we would no longer receive instructions to fund. Everyone must complete the form. If the objectives are clear and correspond to the fund, they can benefit, although no support can go beyond the smallest project financed by the Fdcu. "
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