US imposes sanctions on Bahraini group linked to Iran


By: | Keywords: USA-Iran-Sanctions | Updated: 11-07-2018

The US State Department announced on Tuesday that it had classified the al-Ashtar Brigades as a Bahrain-based Iran-linked terrorist group. as a foreign terrorist organization.

The State Department also added them to its list of specially designated global terrorists and included two individuals affiliated with this group in its blacklist, noting that the organization "aimed at overthrowing the The Bahraini Government "claimed responsibility for numerous" terrorist attacks. "

The sanctions accompanying this classification include the freezing of all assets that the designated entity may possess in the United States and the termination of its commercial relations with American individuals.

A series of sanctions are currently imposed by the United States on entities and individuals linked to Tehran after the decision of President Donald Trump last May to withdraw from the Iranian nuclear deal, a move widely criticized by the international community

The United States announced earlier this month that it will resume sanctions in early November. Iranian energy industry and oil-related transactions, which would be a blow for the Middle East country that depends largely on the export of oil.

The Iranian Oil Ministry announced Sunday that no significant change had occurred in the production and export of crude oil despite the threat of sanctions.

<! – enpproperty 56225358 2018-07-11 14: 37: 12: 0 The United States imposes sanctions on a Bahraini group linked to Iran USA -Iran-Sanctions 1002 7,176,468 News News [19659019] null Xinhua News Agency The US State Department announced on Tuesday that it had classified the al-Ashtar Brigades as a Bahrain-based, Iran-linked terrorist group. as a foreign terrorist organization. 1 / enpproperty ->

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