US Investments: Ambassador Mushingi wants strong presence in Senegal


Ford extends his tentacles in Senegal. The American car manufacturer has just designated Caetano One, a Portuguese company, as the new and only authorized distributor in Senegal. A partnership that the United States Ambassador to Senegal has warmly welcomed. "I am proud to see the Ford company represented here in Senegal and the Senegalese take an interest in this American brand. I'm happy with the partnership between Ford and Caetano One. This is part of the interconnectedness, globalization, "said Thursday Tulinabo Salama Mushingi, on the occasion of the inauguration of the new Ford showroom in Dakar. And according to the US diplomat, it is this kind of private investment that can help the Senegalese state in job creation because, says Mr. Mushingi, the government can not create all the jobs that are needed. We must therefore continue to attract private investment.
He informed that about forty American companies were Wednesday represented at the Embassy to celebrate the Independence Day of the United States of America. And his goal is to increase that number. "That's why I agreed to join Caetano One to see how to promote the sale of the Ford brand in Senegal. American companies, including Kosmos Energy, among others, are interested in the hydrocarbon sector. We want them to "compete" on the same footing as any other company, because we do not doubt their know-how, "says the ambassador. And during his stay in Senegal, he promises to continue to invite American companies to invest in Senegal.
Present in Senegal since 2015, the subsidiary of the group Salvador Caetano said to have invested more than 3.2 billion CFA francs. "We started with a staff of 40 in 2015. Today we have more than a hundred employees," says Viatcheslav Kozlov, managing director of Caetano One. Who adds that their main objectives are to increase their market share and become one of the top three dealers in Senegal, while providing quality products and services to customers.
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