USSEIN to issue engineering diplomas


Dakar, Nov 28 (APS) – The University of Sine Saloum El Hajj Ibrahima NIASS (USSEIN) works, in partnership with Agreenium / Institut Agronomique, Vétérinaire et Forestier de France, to finalize its engineering programs, learned APS.

This work is the subject of a workshop that ends Wednesday, says the USSEIN in a statement.

The USSEIN will issue engineering degrees in agronomy, food, environment, machinery, refrigeration and energy to "promote attractiveness" and allow students and professionals to continue their studies.

The press release recalls that the university has already developed 34 professional licenses based on a competency framework and the finalization of models of 11 courses in masters in the various fields of the entire value chain of agriculture and related trades.

The same source points out that this approach was preceded by the identification of 30 families of trades in four areas of activity (Economy / Service, Environment / Water, Agricultural Production / Processing and Fishing / Livestock).

This work is done in partnership with academics from ENSA, ESP, researchers and professionals in agriculture, agri-food, machinery, hydraulics, environment, forestry, fishing, etc.

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