Varane: "The group is more mature" than in 2016


After the victory of the French team against Belgium (1-0), this Tuesday, in the semi-finals of the World Cup, Raphael Varane did not let slip an ounce of euphoria. Because the defender of the Blues has learned the lessons of the past.


Raphaël Varane, is this your most successful match, the best mastered?

On the tournament, it is in any case the match where we cleared the more solidarity, where we worked the most defensively. We were solid, we made a big performance. Belgium has a very good team, they have put a lot of pressure on us by staying high, but we have been strong and we have exploited the flaws. We can only be satisfied with this big performance.

This game looked like a game of chess …

The international level is like that, we attack, we defend, we know when to leave the ball to the opponent, when it is necessary to keep it. This is played on details, but it is above all a big team work, a big solidarity.

Many teams having possession of the ball lose in this World Cup. How to explain it

It depends, it is especially the team that makes the best use that wins. What is needed is that everyone has their balance, and we have a common idea, we all know what we have to do to help the collective.

Thibaut Courtois criticized your performance … [19659004Wewonit'sthemostimportantFreetothinkwhathewantsweareveryhappywithourjourneyThereisstillonegameitwillsurelybethemostbeautifulandthehardest

Varane: "The coach gives the idea and we made it live"

What is the share of Didier Deschamps in this course?

It is he who instills a group dynamic. He sets rules and we play in the field. We have a common idea and it is he who defines it. The preparation of this match? As usual. We study the opponent, we exchange and we know how to approach this game. Then we talk to each other, we try to be coordinated. The coach gives the idea and we make it live. He is the one who shows us the way.

One feels joy but no euphoria …

We have not won anything yet. We lived this experience in 2016, we know what we do not want to relive. We will enjoy and enjoy tonight because they are rare moments in a career. But then we will quickly recover.

Is this your best team match in France, as an individual?

It's possible. We were quite cornered in our area and had to be strong in duels against an athletic team. I can be satisfied with my performance, but what matters is the team's performance. In front, they have worked enormously, Hugo (Lloris) has made decisive stops, N'Golo (Kanté) runs everywhere and Paul (Pogba) presses the opponent.

Varane: "No matter who marks"

After you are Samuel Umtiti who scores. As in 1998, the defenders are decisive. It's important

It does not matter who scores, what counts is to score a big performance as we did. Our attackers are also doing a lot of work to help us, so much the better if we can also give them a hand.

Will the experience of the Champions League finals help you prepare for this Cup final? of the World?

It is an important experiment to prepare well the match, to be serene, to know how to behave.

What is the difference between this group and that of 2016?

The group is more mature, has more experience.

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