Very humane, Mame Boye Diao spoils the young people of Kolda


XALIMANEWS: The atmosphere was at the rendezvous this weekend in the foulado, in an archicomble stadium, during the finals of the zones of the city of Kolda sponsored by Mame Boye Diao, reports us

Zones A, B, C of Kolda City held their VSD finals (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) with the sole patron, Sir El Hadji Mamadou Diao, better known as Mame Boye. For this purpose, the Director of Tax Services, Mame Boye Diao, handed a lot of jersey to each of the 33 ASCs of the three zones to magnify the youth of Kolda. The Aperist leader of the region, is proud to be the godfather of the 3 zones, because it is above all a pure product of Kolda and it is his duty to participate in the development of the youth of Kolda.

Also, Mame Boye took the opportunity to offer jerseys to the association of the deaf and dumb and the regional press to encourage them to practice sports, which contributes to the development of human capital in the axis 2 of the PES. Mame Boye Diao has once again demonstrated her commitment to her land by agreeing to sponsor the three finals under the national cap of the Kolda region, favoring communion with young people and this without political coloring. However, we can not help but see through his gesture, a good point on the way to the presidential election of 2019.

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