If you are a Dell customer, the next time you log in to your customer account, do not be surprised if you have to change your password. The manufacturer has just reset them all as a precaution. Indeed, on November 9, he detected in his networks the presence of hackers who sought to steal the names, e-mail addresses and password imprints of its customer database. The credit card data were not targeted.
In a statement, Dell says it does not know if this data was actually stolen. He pointed out that passwords were not stored in the clear, but in the form of a cryptographic fingerprint, a process that was "Tested and validated by an expert third party". However, the company does not specify which type of algorithm was used. It is also not known whether fingerprints have been hardened by the addition of cryptographic "salt", which makes dictionary attacks more difficult.
It is better to be careful. If you have used the password of your Dell account on other online services, it is best to change them all as soon as possible. If the hackers managed to steal the prints and break them, the first thing they will do is to use the passwords obtained on other sites. Meanwhile, the investigation continues on the side of Dell who contacted the police and brought experts in digital investigation to find out what happened.
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