Victory "African" World Cup 2018: the message of Trevor Noah does not pass


Trevor Noah's humor does not please everyone. After claiming that Africa had won the World Cup in reference to the victory of the Blues, the host of Daily Show one of the flagship programs of US television, has attracted the wrath of the ambassador of France across the Atlantic. The South African is one of the best-known presenters and comedians in the United States, and he often talks about racial issues in his shows. After the World Cup final Sunday, July 15, in Russia, he congratulated "Africa" ​​for his victory, and this, because of the immigrant origins of many players of the French football team. Origins that have also been targeted in Italy.

The French ambassador to Washington, Gérard Araud, curtly responded to the moderator Wednesday in a letter that "nothing could be further from reality". "The rich and varied origins of these players are a reflection of the diversity of France," wrote the ambassador in this missive also published by the embassy on Twitter. "Unlike the United States, France does not refer to its citizens on the basis of race, religion or origin. "For us, there is no identity with hyphens, the roots are an individual reality," continued the ambassador. "By calling them an African team, it seems that you are denying their French identity," he also wrote. "Even in the form of a joke, it legitimizes the ideology that claims to be white as the only definition of French identity.

Being African and French at the same time

But Trevor Noah's answer was quick. "When I say they are African, I do not say to exclude them from their French identity," he said during his broadcast, after reading the letter written by Gérard Araud. "I say it to include them in my Africanity. While recognizing that the far right in France, as in the United States, regularly used the argument of origins to attack immigrants, the South African said to find "strange" to suggest that the players of the team de France could not be both French and African. "Why can not they be both? Why is this duality allowed only to a small group of people? He added to the audience's applause.

Read also. The Blues, new defoliator of Italian racism

Trevor Noah also throws a spike at the French ambassador: "The phrase about the rich origins of the players as a reflection of the diversity of France is interesting. I do not want to be mean, but I think it's mostly a reflection of the colonial past of France … "According to him, what the ambassador says in his letter," is that to be French you must to erase everything that is African? The host said he was "vehemently" opposed to this assertion. "I will continue to praise them as Africans because I think they come from Africa, their parents are African, and they can be French at the same time," he added. Before concluding: "And if the French say they can not be both, then I think it's them who have a problem, not me. "

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