Vote on the Electronic Communications Code bill this Wednesday … NO CENSORSHIP!


After its examination Saturday, November 25, 2018 by the Committee on Culture and Communication, the draft Law No. 28/2018 on the Code of Electronic Communications will be voted by the National Assembly on Wednesday, November 28, 2018. Adopted, it will be the end of a free and open internet in Senegal, now it is censorship.

To make this law acceptable to Senegalese, it is presented as an instrument to fight against abuses on the Internet which is a "fake news" and misinformation because no provision that governs the use of social networks is found in this code and no mention is made of social networks, either in the explanatory memorandum or in the objectives.

In fact, it is a legal framework to censor the internet which is set up, like the presidential election of February 2019. And, its decrees of application have already been elaborated for an immediate application of the law after promulgation .

From now on, the transparency of the presidential election is threatened and the Internet becomes a political weapon at the service of the authorities. All in danger, political opponents, civil society organizations, whistleblowers, journalists, etc.

Its adoption by the Government and its vote by the deputies confirms that the Senegalese authorities do not place the question of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms of citizens in the ICT sector at the heart of the digital policy of this country.

It is now up to Senegalese citizens to draw all the consequences of the decisions of the authorities which are contrary to the interests of Senegal.

ASUTIC (The Senegalese Association of ICT Users)

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