Water scarcity cost SDE half a billion • Rewmi.com


On July 19, 2018, the water supply operations by tanker trucks in the districts of Dakar, to reduce the shortage of precious liquid, cost SDE a little more than 500 million CFA francs. The revelation is from Diéry Bâ, SDE's director of operations, who confided in Voxpopuli

"Since May 12, 2018, date of work on the Keur Momar Sarr anti-ram system, On average 80 tanks are deployed daily in Dakar, its suburbs and Rufisque. This represents about 2500 m3 of water distributed per day for an amount of 8 million CFA francs per day ", calculates Diéry Bâ while stating that the important thing is not the consistency of the envelope released.

says: "The expenses incurred by the SDE in this context, just like the human mobilization of our agents are indeed enormous. But for now, the only thing that matters to us is to help deal with the situation and minimize the harm done to our customers. "

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