Water shortage in Dakar: The Cos / M23 mobilizes August 3


The shortage of water that has shaken the population of Dakar for some time puts the Commission guidelines and strategies (Cos / M23) and its employees Pencum askan wi in all their states. At a press conference yesterday, they said that "the state has failed in its mission and Senegalese can no longer wait in the face of this situation." They announce a popular rally on Friday, August 3 from 3 pm in Khar Yalla, precisely in front of the Walfadjiri press office, to engage with the Dakar people, the struggle for the water to come back.
A demonstration to which these two platforms are suitable for all the vital forces of the Nation, political actors, local populations, etc. for his success. Steps and other activities will also be held in other communities that are experiencing shortages, particularly those in the suburbs. "We have been crossing for more than 2 months, a shortage of water. People are no longer able to meet the most basic needs because of public policies that have not supported population growth to the point of depriving today hundreds of thousands of Senegalese this vital element, "regrets Abdourahmnane Sow , coordinator of Pencum Askan wi and no less president of the Cos / M23. That denounces certain choices of governance, "focused on expensive expenditures in infrastructure investments, while water is in the field of National Security."
M. Sow and his comrades also call on the state, "to more responsibility for there to be transparency in the electoral process, he takes care of the concerns of the opposition." They also claim that the problem of the regularity of the inscription of Karim Wade is exhausted as well as the release of the mayor of Dakar, Khalifa Sall

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