Water shortage – Ngouda Kane Fall: "The authorities must reveal the real problems instead …"


The leader of the party "Jam ak Khewel", Ngouda Kane Fal was questioned this Sunday, in the program Grand Jury on the water shortage in the districts of Dakar such as Parcels Assainies, Niary Tally, Bene Tally and others

The former Inspector General of State (IGE) is outraged by this situation. According to him, Senegal has declined for sixty (60) years. And the authorities must disclose the real reasons for this water shortage instead of blaming the previous regime. The authorities must tell us the reasons for this problem. Dakar has "suburbanized". We must stop amusing Senegalese who are thirsty, sick, and do not sleep . he also denounced

Ngouda Kane Fall also returned to the money laundering and corruption that reached extremely important proportions in Senegal. Without giving any more indication of the identity of the latter, he indexes the political leaders with dirty hands who aspire to lead this country.

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