"We have already completed the two thousand godfathers for Fatick"


The Party For Unity and the gathering (Pure) of Professor Issa is full in the search for signatures. On tour in the interior of the country, the national coordinator of the said formation said to have already obtained the number of signature required to be presidential candidate of 2019. In Fatick where he was, this weekend, Issa Sall did know that he will not fall into the trap of Macky Sall.

The PUR National Coordinator does not wait to gather the number of sponsors required to run for Senegal. The native of Tattaguine, who met the leaders of his party in Fatick, invited his lieutenants to redouble their efforts and especially to be vigilant at these times. "We have convened a meeting of the Party cadres to talk about sponsorship and finance," said the leader of the PUR not without clarifying the situation of his political party in Sine, stronghold of the current President of the Republic.

Thus he said that his representatives are also more dynamic than those of the ruling party. "To say that the PUR is a party sleeping in Sine is not to know the party," says Issa Sall who reveals to have already the number of sponsors required. "We have already completed for the region of Fatick, the two thousand godfathers and I think that no party including the one that you think is the largest, has not yet begun to settle its sponsorship", informs the deputy ironic Pure who continues to denounce the principle of sponsorship. "A law remains a law and it remains applicable to everyone. We denounce and will continue to denounce the principle of sponsorship. We know that this is not applicable. However, he persists and signs: "With or without sponsorship we will go to the elections".

Continuing in the same wake, Issa Sall understands that the power wants to lead the opposition by boat. "Leaders will watch us go to ECOWAS, the United Nations or the African Union when they are working. We will not do it. The law is passed. It will be promulgated and published. However, we will not give up. We will prepare accordingly. Now that the use of ECOWAS is successful or not we are ready. We are ready to provide a clear number of signatures required. "

Returning to the social program he proposes to the Senegalese people, Issa Sall says that our country needs only two things: peace and development. In terms of development, it is especially important, according to Mr. Sall's opponent to modernize agriculture that goes from bad to worse. "Today, unfortunately, farmers are failing to achieve the expected yield. The peasants can no longer live on their crops.

Convinced that agriculture must be mechanized, the parliamentarian argues that there is no need for peasants in Senegal. "Instead, we need farmers who are well trained in agronomy and mechanization of agriculture. We need to create schools that can train agricultural engineers. " For the presidential candidate, pseudo-family farming can not under any circumstances accompany emergence. "In the interior of the country, cattle do not eat enough to eat. And in this respect and so many other problems, we have solutions, "promised the PUR National Coordinator.

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