West and Central Africa: Towards an Action Plan on Artisanal Fisheries


APA-Dakar (Senegal)

Representatives of the African Fisheries Sector Reform Mechanism's Working Group on Artisanal Fisheries, academics, regional organizations, development partners and others began three days in Dakar on Monday. reflection for the implementation of a regional action plan on small-scale fisheries.

"Regional Consultation for West and Central Africa for the Development of a Regional Action Plan on Small-Scale Fisheries for the Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines aims to ensure the sustainability of small-scale fisheries in the context of food security and the eradication of poverty, "said Ndiaga Gueye of the FAO Regional Office based in Accra, Ghana

The three-day consultation is jointly organized by FAO and Inter-African Bureau of Animal Resources of the African Union (AU-IBAR), in collaboration with the ECOWAS Commission and the FIRST project

It aims to raise awareness of the important role of the artisanal fisheries sector and the this is reflected in existing policy frameworks. The meeting is also intended to share experiences and identify actions needed to support and promote artisanal fisheries.

"Artisanal fishing plays a vital role for food security and the livelihoods of millions of people in Africa in general and along the coast of West and Central Africa in particular, "added Ndiaga Gueye.

According to Babacar Banda Diop, technical advisor number 1 of the Minister of Fisheries and the Economy Senegal, this regional consultation is part of the capacity building of artisanal fishing stakeholders, which contributes to the improvement of the living conditions of the populations.


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