what happens to unsold clothes?


Ready-to-wear, ready-to-wear clothes that go out of style faster and faster. Today, major retailers offer more than a dozen collections a year. The machines of the textile industry are racing, in 15 years, the global production of clothing has doubled. Clothes that do not always find takers. So to get rid of it, most of the brands resell their unsold goods in France, but some like Zara are destocking in all discretion, thousands of kilometers away.

Unsold goods sent to countries where the brand has not no shop, like in Dakar, Senegal. Zara sells its products at destocking shops. The brand sells its articles two to three euros each. A sale at a loss for Zara, but a boon for the destockers who sell them at a good price. Other brands are accused of destroying their unsold, like H & M. A few months ago, a Danish documentary revealed that the brand burns several tons of clothes in perfect condition a year.

To avoid wasting clothing, some brands, such as Camaïeu, decided to give their unsold to associations. The Government wishes to make the donation of unsold garments mandatory by 2019.

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