'When the lie becomes the main weapon of the politician … In this country all serious people are with President Macky Sall … This country will never be entrusted to a thief or an opportunist'


Dakaractu: Thierno Alassane Sall held his meeting in front of your house. Was it cold in the back?

In the least. Rather, I saw a man playing with the wren and shining with the impertinence of his speech. I heard him use inappropriate words to our leaders, testifying to the inexperience of this gentleman in communication. When a man who has held positions of responsibility as important as that of the Dg de l'Artp where, whether he likes it or not he pocketed millions, or that of Minister of the Republic, lets himself say that he has received SMS from the Prime Minister up to the content, I find it outrageous. I imagine that the Head of State regretted having left a man like him to sit in his government for one second. The fact that he clings to this story of oil extraction contract to animate his political environment and amuse the gallery, that he begins to repeat like a tape recorder the same things, proves to the satisfaction that he does not know nothing serious or abnormal about the management of the affairs of the state. The Senegalese, I dare to believe, are intelligent enough to hate these men who change their speech whenever they change their position. How can one from day to day defend the opposite of his ideas? This is not the first time that Thierno Alassane Sall has problems with his bosses and he knows how he was saved from a first defenestration.

Dakaractu: You do not take it as a serious opponent?

No, he is not for us a serious opponent. Him like the others besides.

Dakaractu: You are referring to who and who, for example?

To all those people who spend their time serving people unreasonable criticism of the regime in place. When I hear Idrissa Seck say that President Macky Sall has bought the luxury of buying trains that even some municipalities in Europe do not dare to buy because of their high price, I am amazed by this lack of ambition. President Macky Sall will bring trams to this country. I just came from Turkey and I understood that Senegal was resolutely moving towards the era of industrialization. Moreover President Erdogan is expected just like his counterpart from China. This means that the opposition understands that time is in favor of the Head of State who inaugurates and revolutionises. The Dac, the Pudc programs, the trains, the social security grants are just that part of the iceberg of a revolution in the management of a country.

Dakaractu: The opposition believes that your expenses are excessive, useless and especially made from debts contracted at extremely high rates?

The opposition must look in a mirror. It is essentially composed of thieves, opportunists and businessmen with illegal methods. I am not the one who tells you that a presidential candidate is already in prison because he is suspected of having mismanaged the money of others. Others before him went a long way back to the judge because they were prosecuted for embezzlement of public funds. Either it is in the framework of projects entrusted to them or budgets that they have badly managed. They are billions that they have volatilized. They are licensed thieves, experienced and above all shameless. Rebeuss knows something about having welcomed them one by one and having heard them implore the clemency of the Head of State.

Dakaractu: Youth seems to adhere to Sonko's argument?

What youth? All the serious people of this country, again, are with President Macky Sall. You know, opportunism is an illness. This young man, to whom I do too much honor in speaking of him, is making the lie the essential element of his program. It's unfortunate that he behaves in this way while he could remain anonymous instead of becoming the laughingstock of the political landerneau. And then, when I hear him disrespect Moustapha Niasse he has dared to be bedridden, I realize that he basically ignores sociology in Senegal. We must not disrespect the elderly. The example was given to us by President Macky Sall, who never dared to disrespect President Abdoulaye Wade, despite all that he said about him. Sonko is wasting his time. It disgusts the Senegalese. It disgusts especially women, we who have unanimously chosen the one who has brought serenity in our homes by lightening the basket of the housewife (…).

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