When the PSG crushed Liverpool in 1997


21 years ago, PSG offered one of the biggest matches in its history. A semi-final first leg of the Coupe des Cups against Liverpool won 3-0 in a Parc des Princes with an electric atmosphere. This April 10, Paris fans, who have always worshiped their Scousers counterparts, welcome them as it should. A banner "Welcome to the legendary fans" crosses the tribune in tribute to the Red Army: 4000 fans are present in the bays of the Park. On the field, however, no bowing. The band Ricardo-Bats duo in size piece of the English arrived relaxed in Paris. The river score will be enough to reach the final. Despite a 2-0 defeat at Anfield two weeks later in a unique atmosphere, the Parisians will be good but they will miss the double of a hair. A month after the feat, they bow to Barça Ronaldo in Rotterdam (1-0 on a penalty from the Brazilian) and lose the title acquired a year earlier against Rapid Vienna.

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In 2018, the PSG found the Reds in its enclosure (to follow live on our live). A victory is imperative to qualify in the Round of 16 Champions League and revive strong emotions worthy of the 90's. Present on the pitch tonight, Benoit Cauet, second scorer against Liverpool just before the break recalls the good memory of this magical night. "A great memory, a great victory, a great team, the perfect match with a perfect result, at the time. This is not necessarily the case today (laughs) but at the time we had a great match with an exceptional Park, which had supported us from the first to the last minute. An evening rich in emotions. It was great. There was a real cup atmosphere. We all wanted a result, be it fans and players. We followed the same route. It gives wings. "

Calamity James puts PSG in orbit

Liverpool is dominated from the first to the last minute. The somewhat hybrid composition organized by Ricardo revolving around the duo Raï-Leonardo placed behind a Patrice Loko hyper mobile, undermines the English defense. The French international also thinks quickly open the score before being unjustly reported offside. "Unfortunately during my period at Paris Saint-Germain, I had the chicness of scoring goals on offside that did not exist (laughs), he laughs again today. I think I put a lot of which one in the European Cup final (against Barcelona, ​​ed). It was my game, I often went to the limit of offside. "

After several opportunities, the opener will come a few minutes later. Leonardo takes advantage of Benoît Cauet's center-shot to deceive David James and score his first goal for almost six months. The beginning of a nightmare night for the English porter, already nicknamed Calamity James. " I remember. It was a boy who had confessed to losing his concentration because of video games. He was accustomed to it. So he was capable of brilliant things but also big bullshit! They characterized his career », recalls his counterpart of the evening, Bernard Lama. Moreover, Joel Bats, the right arm of Ricardo and former goalkeeper had perceived the difficulties of James before the game. "He may have some problems in the air field. " Well seen. This is how the first two goals come from.

The "Chistera Cauet" and the first goal of Leroy

PSG grows and ends up being rewarded by a second achievement signed Cauet just before the break. Right side, the young (22 years old at the time) Jerome Leroy stalls a small bridge over his defender and sends a powerful center that James fails to capture. Raï put the head back to the midfield, which marks a "Chistera Cauet but no matter the bottle", have fun commenting Platini live on Canal Plus. "I scored in a mix between ankle and shin (laughs). It's anecdotal but it had to be put in the bottom. We dream of volleying 25 meters in the skylight but we must know how to put goals like that too (laughs) ", remembers one who is today scout for the young people of Inter Milan.

PSG leads a break throughout the second act and continues his domination without sharing. Barely entered, Cyrille Pouget messed up the surface before serving Leroy. He lights David James at close range and marks his first goal with his training club. The Park exults and PSG wins without shaking 3-0 against English stunned. "I think that in the first leg we surprised them, says Bernard Lama. They did not expect our level, I think. It comes to mind images of Liverpool players sitting on the lawn in shorts before the game, very casual. It had a little questioned and a little upset. We had entered this match that way. "

A sufficiency of Liverpool players that is expensive

A feeling of sufficiency that strikes the spirits Parisian side. The young generation led by the terrible children Robbie Fowler, Steve McManamann and Harry Redknapp (Harry's thread) and framed by the veteran John Barnes arrives all smiles at the Parc des Princes when discovering the lawn. Sunglasses on the nose, portable to the ear, the Reds bask, reminiscent of a happy summer camp. An amazing relaxation that will cost them dearly. At the time of playing a game oh so important, the English will pay cash for their lack of experience and involvement. "We saw them very relaxed and relaxed. When we know the English context, it is not abnormal but we were still preparing to play a semi-final European Cup. We took it wrong but there was nothing nasty. It is a detail that challenged us and their relaxation surprised us. We took it for arrogance "explains the Parisian goalkeeper.

Patrice Loko also keeps an intact memory of the Liverpool players strolling on the lawn. "I will always remember their arrival on the field. They were in tourist mode in the central circle to look at the stand, to contemplate the supporters. Some were even lying in the center circle as if they were preparing to play a friendly game at the beginning or end of the season. And that, it really pissed us off. It felt like they were snubbing us a bit. They had a nice team but they had taken us down. They were a bit like "we win and we go home". While getting ready in the locker room, we were all back. Do not be fooled by us. "

PSG 2018 is still struggling to match the years of good

The 3-0 will not be too much in sight of the return match. "In the locker room, Michel Denisot told us:" Look, guys, in England it's a not-so-important score, they're used to scoring goals, and the return is not scary. ", reports Loko. Two weeks later in a heated Anfield, Paris suffers and ends up losing 2-0. The qualification is saved. For this fifth semi-final European Cup (a record for a French club), PSG will play a second final in a row. Barcelona will prevail but the club of the capital affirms once again its European notoriety, where in 2018, it still has a course to pass. "At the time, we were more greedy, tries to analyze Lama. PSG was for us the opportunity to win titles. That's what I think makes the difference today. They have dominated French football so much for a few years, they are not less hungry but the period is different and it is even more complicated to win a European Cup. "

"We were experienced, that's one of the reasons we made two finals, complete Loko will be present tonight at Groupama Stadium for the meeting between OL and Manchester City. Paris has a very good team, great players on all lines. There may be a little more talent today. What we had more than them, what all the matches, we wanted them. We did not economize. We were a tight team. That, we see it less in Paris. It runs less for others but I think they will not forget Wednesday. They can not beat around the bush »concludes the former striker. This Champions League match against Liverpool is a new opportunity for the QSI club to make a big impression, when a new misstep would condemn it. Despite heavy investments, he still has not succeeded in repeating the exploits of his elders. It is time, however, to find successors.

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