World Bank supports public finances


N'DJAMENA, July 6, 2018 – The World Bank Board of Directors today approved a $ 35 million grant to Chad to support Chad's efforts to improve the mobilization of domestic revenues, tax and customs in particular, and strengthen the institutional capacities of the Ministries in charge of Finance and Budget, Oil and Energy, and Telecommunications and New Information Technologies.

Funded by an IDA grant *, the Domestic Resource Mobilization and Management Project is organized around three main components, namely, increased mobilization and revenue management; institutional strengthening, particularly in terms of accountability and transparency for better management, control and control of revenue; and project management. The project will also finance technical assistance and other capacity-building activities, IT and interconnection equipment, as well as software needed to improve institutional efficiency.

"Non-oil domestic revenue mobilization is a major challenge to Chad's financial stability and resilience to oil price fluctuations. Through this operation, the World Bank is providing substantial support for revenue mobilization through actions to improve the efficiency of non-oil revenue collection regardless of economic cycles, "said François Nankobogo, Resident Representative of the Bank. in Chad.

Significant improvements are expected in terms of the ratio of non-oil domestic revenue to gross domestic product and the quality of service of Chad's financial authorities by 2023. "The activities supported under of the project will result in a cumulative increase in non-oil revenue collection between 2017 and 2023 of at least 6.6% of non-oil GDP. In a longer-term perspective, this project is expected to help increase average non-oil revenue collection from about 8.7 percent of non-oil GDP (2017-2019) to about 13.7 percent of non-oil GDP. (2020-2023), "added Rafika Chaouali, project manager at the World Bank.

The main beneficiaries of the project are, among others, the Ministry of Finance and Budget and its main departments, notably the Tax and Customs Department, which will develop, with the support of the project, information tools and monitoring for revenue mobilization; the Ministry of Petroleum, whose capacity to supervise oil operators will be strengthened by audits and the development of an oil cadastre and a contract management system; the Hydrocarbons Corporation of Chad, which will benefit from improved decision-making and supervision capacity through the establishment of an integrated management system; the Ministry of Post and Information and Communication Technology News and its agencies that will benefit from technical assistance to accelerate the modernization and efficiency of the sector.

* The International Development Association (IDA) is the World Bank institution that helps the poorest countries on the planet. Founded in 1960, it provides low-interest, interest-free grants and loans for projects and programs that stimulate economic growth, reduce poverty and improve the lives of the poor. IDA is one of the largest donors to the world's 75 poorest countries, 39 of which are in Africa. IDA's resources are making a positive difference in the lives of 1.5 billion people in countries eligible for aid. Since its creation, IDA has supported activities in 113 countries. The annual volume of commitments is increasing steadily and has averaged $ 18 billion over the last three years, with about 54% of this amount going to Africa.

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