World Champions: glamor but not too much, Macron's dilemma


Play the card of sobriety while rejoicing for the Blues. That was the equation that Emmanuel Macron asked himself during this World Cup. With a goal in mind: meticulously analyze his communication around the tricolor epic

No doubt the reason why Emmanuel Macron did not agree to seize the golden cup that a player handed him, on the steps of the Elysee in front of the photographers, Monday night. The day before, just a little message while restraint and recognition after the coronation of the Blues had been posted on his Twitter account. Nothing on the return flight from Moscow, conducted with Nicolas Sarkozy

So how to interpret this picture victorious, fists raised, immortalized by a photographer Vladimir Putin in the presidential platform of the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow on Sunday night? "She is not overplayed! This is the cliché of a happy supporter, like the other French, "sweeps a close to the president.

As for these videos of the ecstatic head of state, in the locker room of the new world champions? "When we love football, we can not be insensitive," evacuates another.

Macron is loose after the victory of the Blues in the locker room

He is limited to the rites of his predecessors

These However, the images are surprising, as they differ from the very weighted line adopted at the top of the state during the competition. A way to avoid any lawsuit in political recovery while the first star gleaned by the Blues of 1998 had resulted in a (brief) burst of the popularity rating of Jacques Chirac (fifteen points anyway!).

In order not to be accused of surfing on their victory, instructions have even been passed in his entourage and with the members of the government: above all, do not add to it … With this fear in mind: that the embellishment pollsters likely to be reaped by this second star does not turn against the executive.

READ ALSO> World Champions: from Roissy to the Elysee, the crazy day of the Blues

That's why the head of state was limited to the rites established by his predecessors: a visit to the castle of Montjoye, Clairefontaine, before the Blues take off for Moscow. The opportunity to distil his political message: "A successful competition is a design won," he told them. Two round trips to Russia for the half then the final. Finally, a festive reception held Monday evening, at the Elysee.

The Elysee favorable to the patriotism of the Blues

Customary speeches long enough, the president – discreet blue-white-red bracelet on the wrist – was exceptionally short: "Thank you. Thank you for making us proud. Thank you for wetting the shirt. Thank you for being united. And, could he have added, to have been so ardent supporters of the Republic.

They celebrated it, often, at the conclusion of their interventions. "Long live the Republic, long live France! "Launched these football stars, echoing their coach, after their speeches. A surge of patriotism enthusiastically perceived at the Elysee, not to mention the Marseillaise players spontaneously intoned Monday night, on the threshold of the presidential palace.

Macron asks the Blues at the Elysee: "Do not change!

"The Blues have decided to tell the story they wanted to write, says Bruno Roger-Petit, spokesman for the presidency. They chose to return the universality of football to the universality of the Republic. But above all no politics

Look at the triumphal descent of the Blues on the Champs-Elysees

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