World Cup 2018 – Blues / Olivier Giroud: "A very special match"


At a press conference on Sunday in Istra, Olivier Giroud spoke about the upcoming semi-final against a Belgian team he knows very well. The striker of the Blues has also returned to his special relationship with Thierry Henry.

Olivier Giroud, what does it make you to have Thierry Henry on the opposite bench?

I confess that it is weird to have it against us. He is lucky to be part of a team that has a very beautiful generation, he is here to learn, to progress in his desire to become a coach. Thierry Henry is a living legend of French football, the best scorer. There is a lot of respect for what he did, but we do not think about it too much. He learns everyday. I would have preferred him to be with us and he would advise me, of course, but you must not be jealous, there is nothing shocking about it.

He has already been very critical to you, do you want him to show that he was wrong?

There is no spirit of revenge, it's been several years since he said that in the press. He returned himself on his words. There is mutual respect between us, I think. He was doing a job where he had to be incisive, I have no resentment. I would still be proud to show him that he chose the wrong camp (laughs).

Giroud: "The balance of power has been balanced since 2015"

Who will be favored between France and Belgium?

For me, it's 50-50. This is a very good team, but it is also our case.

Belgium could evolve with three central, it requires special preparation for an attacker?

These are players that I know good. They have adapted against Brazil by playing four behind, so we do not know what they will do against us. What is certain is that it will be an even more difficult fight. It will be even more efficient and smarter, because we know each other well. They have not lost for a long time, but we have the qualities with our attackers to pierce this wall.

What memory do you remember of the match lost against Belgium in 2015 (3-4)?

C was a very hot match where Belgium had been very efficient, quite impressive even. They play together for several years and have automatisms. We have seen many young players arrive. But we could show over the competition that we were ready, we had very well integrated these new. The balance of power has been balanced with 2015.

Many Belgians are playing in England, does this change anything in the approach?

It will be a special match for us, we have Belgians with us in club. This match will have a small English accent. There is also a big rivalry in France and Belgium. And we do not want to be chambered when we return to Chelsea with NG (Kanté).

Giroud: "I want to enjoy every moment"

After facing two South American teams, plus Peru in hen, you will return to a European opponent. Does this change a lot of things?

This last square looks like a last square of Euro. South American teams are not invited and it's a small revolution. The European teams are progressing and are ambitious. These are always tough games against South American teams, they have this culture of combat. We are expecting a different match against Belgium. This is a team that plays a very good football, it will be open and beautiful to see.

Do you feel the need to talk to the youngest before this semifinal?

Yes, I try to give them advices. The motivation comes alone, play a semifinal is extraordinary, the event is enough to itself. These are unique moments that I may not be able to live again. I want to enjoy every moment, share my experience and transmit my rage to win. We are many to do it. I know a lot of opponents because nine play in the Premier League.

You had a career fraught with pitfalls, before this big appointment do you have flashbacks of all this course?

I discuss my course with my relatives. My story is quite unusual, I am very grateful for everything that has happened to me in my career. It's hard work and hard work. It's a pride to be in the semifinals, but the job will only be accomplished if we go all the way. It's good to look back, but I keep in mind my goal: bring back the World Cup in France.

Giroud: "If we win without my mark, I have nothing to do" [19659007] Is this your best time in the French team?

It's possible. Throughout my international career, I have gone through difficult times and others better. Today, I arrive at the age of maturity, I have experience and I manage to better manage certain situations. I feel very good in this young group. I feel like a big brother and I will do everything for this group who lives very well together. I want to accompany them as long as possible and I am very attached to them.

Yet you have not scored. Is it a frustration?

No, I do not feel frustrated. As long as the team wins, I am happy. I try to open gaps, to play in handing over, in deflection. I'm involved on three goals, but that's for sure I'd like to score. I hope that my turn will come on Tuesday or in the final, if final there is. My game is also to play for my partners, it's my altruistic side. World Champion without scoring? (Stéphane) Guivarc'h did it in 1998. If you win without me scoring, I have nothing to do with it.

Interview by RF, Istra

see also:
>>> All the news of the Blues
>>> All the news of the World Cup
>>> Blues: This half final, it is the fruit of a work of several years

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