Yahsat Prospects West Africa Market at West Africa Com Forum


(Agence Ecofin) – The UAE company Yahsat, which specializes in the provision of satellite Internet connectivity, is currently prospecting in West Africa. To this end, the company is sponsoring the West Africa Com Forum, which is being held from July 10 to 11, 2018, in Dakar, Senegal, to present its partners and customers in the region with its high-speed YahClick broadband service. [19659002] Farhad Khan, Yahsat's commercial director, said the West Africa Com offers "the opportunity to meet potential new contacts and strengthen our existing network of trusted partners" .

] "Africa is a high priority market for us and now that our third Al Yah 3 satellite is ready for commercialization, we are now able to offer our broadband connectivity solutions to even more markets across the continent." . Farhad Khan said

In the West Africa subregion, Yahsat has planned for expansion this year in five new markets. These are Senegal and The Gambia through the service partner Arc Telecom, in Côte d'Ivoire through CEE-NET, in Benin through Isocel, and finally in Ghana through Teledata and Comsys.

Five markets in West Africa are among the 19 new African territories that Yahsat plans to cover in broadband connectivity with the Al Yah 3 satellite launched on January 26, 2018. Among these are Algeria, Botswana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Morocco, Mozambique, Malawi

In all, 60% of the African territory will cover the Yahsat brand thanks to the satellites Al Yah 1, Al Yah 2 and Al Yah 3. [19659007] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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