Yakham Mbaye responds to the intersyndicale of the SSPP Le Soleil – La Vie Sénégalaise


The reply is salty. Accused by the workers affiliated to the Intersyndicale (Synpics-Stls-Cnts) to extinguish the Sun by its mismanagement, the Director General of the national newspaper Asak Yakham Mbaye ton firm and bangs loudly: "These trade unionists are corrupt since they had undue advantages with the former general management. Basket premiums to the Sun, for example, have been systematized. Everyone benefits.

These bonuses cost the enterprise 56 million FCfa. I decided to end it. For a company with fewer than 30 people with vehicles, 64 people have 100,000 FCfa more on their salary. There are 17 editors with salaries of more than 1 million FCfa. This does not exist in any writing. In addition, these people share a common fund of 200 million CFA francs and I decided to put an end to this organized robbery, "storm Yakham Mbaye joined by iGFM.

The former Director of publication of" Liberation "became Apr's political leader continues to reveal without blinking the dark side of the trade unionists who, according to him, are doing worse. Since "the auditors of the company raised in 2017 a deficit of less than 365 million, an audit carried out by the firm Mamina Camara.And this deficit is imputable to them"

Exasperated by this situation of the company Sssp the Sun which is going downhill and risks seriously damaging the Society, Yakham Mbaye has decided to start the tug of war with the trade unionists whom they accuse of being partly responsible for all this situation. "I will not argue with them. I will not back down under any pressure and as they want the fight they will have it. I've been a minister, I'm not obsessed with a DG position, but things have to stay legal. They may tell stories, but they will never tell you about the 27 people who were in a precarious situation that I found and who have been regularized, people who have been there since 1989, "he pleads. 19659003] The fight is only beginning between Yakham Mbaye, the Dg, and the trade unionists. Case to follow …

♦ iGFM

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