Yaye Fatou Diagne opens a new page


Yaye Fatou Diagne turned the page Serigne Mboup and the controversy that surrounded his divorce with the CEO of Ccbm. She now devotes herself entirely to her political commitment, within the Benno Bokk yakaar coalition, and alongside the people, as part of her actions as coordinator of the Program Promoting Islamic Microfinance in Senegal (Promise). 19659002] But in this interview with Seneweb, the mayor of Ngathie Naoudé did not talk about politics and Islamic microfinance. She walked the basketball field, a discipline she practiced in her youth and for which she has a shared love with her mother, former champion of Africa. And slipped to that of football to take stock of the participation of Lions in the World and, more broadly, denounce the absence of an ambitious sports policy in Senegal.

Meeting with a multi-purpose Yaye Fatou Diagne.

Author: Seneweb News – Seneweb.com

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