Zoss challenges Bombardier for its jubilee


Zoss, "Door Doorat" stable, decided to stop the fight to everyone's surprise. For his jubilee, planned soon, the former wrestler Parcelles Assainies has launched a challenge to Bombardier. "To get out the front door, I have to go through Bombardier. So I challenge the champion for my next and last fight. I hope he will accept and we can give the Senegalese a nice opposition, "said the brother of Garga Mbosse, on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony of the NBA Africa Gymnasium in Saly. From now on, we wait for the answer of B52.
Meanwhile, "show man" measures the magnitude of the challenge that awaits him for his jubilee. "Thank you all again for their support. As I said, I want to show a new face and offer a hard fight to the public. I know it will be difficult. But what is important is to go out the door, "hopes the wrestler of the team" Door Doorat "…

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