Senior U.S. Commander in Afghanistan Passes Command


KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) – The highest U.S. commander in Afghanistan relinquished command during a ceremony in the Afghan capital of Kabul on Monday, bringing the United States closer to the end of its 20-year war. The move came as Taliban insurgents continue to gain territory across the country.

Another four-star general will assume authority from his US post to conduct possible airstrikes to defend Afghan government forces, at least until the end of the US withdrawal by August 31.

General Scott Miller, who has served as the United States’ Commander-in-Chief in Afghanistan since 2018, handed over command of what has become America’s “Eternal War” in its dying days to Marine General Frank McKenzie, head of the US Central Command. McKenzie will operate from Central Command headquarters in Tampa, Florida.

The transfer took place at the heavily fortified Resolute Support headquarters in the heart of Kabul, at a time of rapid territorial gains by Taliban insurgents across Afghanistan.

The Afghan National Defense and Security Forces, mainly funded by the United States and NATO, have offered resistance in parts of the country, but an overwhelming majority of Afghan government troops appear to have given up on the fight.

In recent weeks, the Taliban have gained several strategic neighborhoods, especially along the borders with Iran, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

The Taliban control more than a third of Afghanistan’s 421 districts and district centers. A claim by the Taliban that they control 85 percent of districts is widely seen as exaggerated.

Following Miller’s departure, a two-star admiral based at the US Embassy in Kabul will oversee the role of the US military in securing the US diplomatic presence in Kabul, including the defense of Kabul airport.

Miller’s departure does not reduce the scope of the US military mission in Afghanistan, as McKenzie will assume the authorities now held by Miller to conduct airstrikes to defend Afghan government forces under certain circumstances. The conditions under which such strikes could be used are unclear, nor is it clear how long McKenzie will retain strike power.

A deal the United States struck with the Taliban in February 2020 included a pledge from the insurgent movement not to attack U.S. and NATO troops, a commitment they appear to have largely kept.

While Washington does not say how many troops remain in Afghanistan, a CENTCOM statement over a week ago said the withdrawal was 90 percent complete.

President Joe Biden reiterated that the United States will remain engaged in Afghanistan with humanitarian assistance. The United States has also pledged to spend $ 4.4 billion annually to fund Afghan security forces through 2024.


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