4 TRAFFIC NIGHTS IN BELGRADE: Auto hit close this morning in Mirijev, two wounded | News


  4 NIGHTS TRAFFIC IN BELGRADE: Auto hits a fence this morning in Mirjevo, two wounded

Photo: Nebojsa Mandic / Illustration

BELGRADE – Four traffic accidents occurred in Belgrade last night, said Mirko Lutovac, a partner for emergency communication.

According to him, at 19.11 hours on the highway at the beginning of Gazela, towards the city of Nis, a 38-year-old man was injured, which was then transported to the emergency center.

In Washington Dawn Street, at 8:33 pm, a 42-year-old man was wounded, who was picked up and refused to continue transportation.

At 22.47 hours, a 17-year-old boy was wounded at the exit of a Green Venus tunnel, which was taken care of on site by the emergency team and not leads to a health facility.

This morning at 07:05 in Mirievo, in Nikola Doksat Street, two people were injured when a car hit the fence.

Last night's emergency assistance had a total of 92 interventions, including 19 in a public place, and the most frequently reported asthmatics were chronic patients.

There were also cases of alcoholics and fighting after last night's game, said Lutovac.

(Kurir.rs/Tanjug/Foto: Nebojsa Mandic / Illustration)


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