Public debt of Croatia 76.2% of GDP


Zagreb – The Croatian public debt at the end of March 2018 was 281.3 billion kuna (38.06 billion euros), according to the latest data from the Croatian National Bank (CNB).

Source: Tanjug

  Photo: Thinkstock

Photo: Thinkstock

This represents 76.2% of gross domestic output (GDP).

As reported by the Business Diary, the public debt at the end of March was 936 million (126.55 million euros) or 0.9% higher than at the end of February, which is result of the growth of the central government's external debt based on long-term government securities.

Compared to March 2017, the public debt decreased by 11.4 billion kuna (1.54 billion euros).

The external component of public debt decreased by HRK 4.7 billion (EUR 635.8 million), or 4.1% year-on-year, due to lower public debt due to debt securities long term and loans. At the same time, the domestic component fell by HRK 6.6 billion (EUR 892.57 million) or 3.7%, due to lower general government liabilities.

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