"I had a dozen, Estica from Jank and you guys …"


Thessaloniki – President Aleksandar Vui said that disagreement about the potential of the drama to buy for the world artist, historical and cultural values ​​for Serbia.

Source: Tanjug

  Photo: Tanjug / Dimitrije Goll

Photo: Tanjug / Dimitrije Goll

He spoke to journalists in Thessaloniki during the meeting of the "Balkans Fourth", answering the question of how he saw the lack of knowledge of political opponents, who experiment and represent themselves as an intellectual elite, and are convinced that, for example, Stevan Sineli is a contemporary and his associate.

It shows, said not only how much the level of their education, but also do not know how much they do not know.

Asked by a reporter to comment on his political opponents who do not know who Stevan Sineli or Paja Jovanovi was, Vui smiled and found "the Sinel who was blamed for the blast and I got him established in Ni, or that I was writer Borislava Petkovia and Uro Predia for the Deputy Minister of Culture … "

" You smile at first, but it's not at all ridiculous because that it carries some bad and dangerous messages for the whole country.It is a low level of education, it is not futile, whether it is the political opponents or those who support us, it shows that we have a little misplaced because these people are far more dangerous than this ignorance, they are more educated than those who have ten times more knowledge.They do not know that they do not know it's a danger which is carried by the spiritual beings in which behind the ghost, the masks, and the names in which the dem i-friendly can hide and say "I'm literally because I can quickly enter numbers or passwords" I do not have to I know the difference between Slobodan Jovanov and Paje Jovanov. That's the thing that concerns me and we need to get a new and better change in the future of the education system, "said Vui.

It's about people who were imprisoned during more than a decade ago by the National Museum and which have never been sufficiently criticized, nor when it is shown that this authority "opened all that they closed."

"We believe that all this is the Serbian peak that we want to buy in the world, so that we do not buy ourselves at Sotebia Paj Jovanovia for 400,000 euros, rather than the treasure and fortune of Shrubby, that we have it. have in a museum or a national gallery. we are sending the citizens soon, but I think we will return the pride and dignity of the Serb citizens, "he said," GDP growth, unemployment rate, highways and sports medals, as we have the greatest number in the history of Serbia in 2017, it is reasonable to say that Vui is guilty …

"I question them for a long time, video that they wanted the diploma number, to bring these degrees, I own theirs and compare them. And they said "I was stuck for a degree," even though I'm not that. You have been harassed for me for a year with the subject of your degree, you have encouraged people who are three times more educated than you. And when I said that you were graduating to see if you had not left the Defense a week ago, did you already have a spouse for a week? How did you get Sank Jankov from the Constitutional Law? It turned out that he had a barber shop, barely on the mufte, and I had a dozen of them. And now I'm talking about the intellectual elite. I call them again, rather than thinking that it's a shame and an insult, to bring a degree and an index to see people, "he said.

Vui said that it is not necessary for the people as well as it does not cost people only on the basis of a diploma, even the price of 39. a farmer, a shepherd, a laborer, an estate that does not have a diploma but deserves their work, and not those who have no degree, are the most intelligent, they do not work, and have a nesting combination to fly and all the sun savvy …

All these citizens see. The video is now also for No Research. They have been campaigning against our party in Niu for a year and think that they can lead the campaign against the factory, the end result, the real work. When you hit them, you will see that noise does not mean everything. It's hugely screaming and producing a lot of decibels is not always directly proportional to the strength of the arguments you provide to the citizens, "he said.

Vui said that people do not have to worry, that they do their job, that their wages and pensions go up in November.

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