Politika Online – Vučić: The chance to get more than what we have today …


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic warned today that his political opponents, challenging the referendum on Kosovo and Metohija, are "destroying" the possibility of obtaining more than we have today. .

Vucic told reporters that he was reading daily between 500 and 600 pages of documents, which is secret, which is public, and that he will propose a proposal before people know the maximum that we can get.

"When you read a secret document of 500 pages a day, others and you must take the answer" The President of Serbia said that everything that has been done about Kosovo and Metohija must go in the referendum and that any decision is not possible without constitutional changes, and that those who "break" the referendum work Vucic: I would welcome Russia again, everyone has the right to choose …

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said today, commenting on the game Russia-Croatia, that everyone in Serbia has the right to encourage anyone. wants that he personally encouraged Russia because he would always meet these two teams, dodav He did not see the reason why he would encourage the opponents of Russia. "I watched the game, the other half and the extras, I encouraged Russia, since some people have criticized me … it's my right." Serbia is a democratic society in which everyone can encourage whoever they want, "Vucic told reporters after visiting the Teleoptik factory, even before saying that Croatia had a better team, but he did not see why he would encourage opponents. "I'm not even fascinated by many.I'm not thrilled with Tompson's songs.And a thousand times to be such a match, I would encourage Russia.While those who want to dodge someone in the "West bore," says Vucic Kometarisići how the RTS carried the matches with Croatia, that's why he was criticized, Vucic said that the first transfer was good, the other also the fans and then "Turn off the tone." "Let them know how they want it." Croatia beat Russia yesterday after finishing the semi-finals and placed in the semifinals of the Mundial, and the president of Hratmatia Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, accompanied by the media, after the match, celebrated with the songs of Tompson.Vučić says that now he does not know who to encourage, noting that England seems to have more fans in Serbia than she could imagine.

The referendum is, say, opposed by all who think it ruins it:

"And it actually ruins his land, his future and his chance of" He stressed that the Serbs should decide and say what they want, and that its obligation is to be serious and look to the future, to have more investments.

Vucic after a visit to the Teleoptik gyroscopes, told reporters that if anyone thinks it will be autonomy in Serbia, neither people nor people should lie. "19659002" We are fighting and we are improving and more than before "He said and felt that no one would be satisfied, that no one would be good, because things in Serbia are not considered rationally, but everything is

At the same time, he warns that all these critics will unite and that there will be no difference between Djilas and Obradovic, " seckists who would come to power using Kosovo. "19659002] Vučić says that their explanation of the" naive Serb people "would be that a referendum could not be held in terms of dictatorship.

" If we do not know let's not get 50% more, then the referendum will fail. They think they've shot me down. This is not a problem, but you have ruined the country, our future, the chance to get more than what we have today, "he says.

There will be no happiness, no joy, says Vucic. that its predecessors have already "certified" the independence of Kosovo before the International Court of Justice, the independence now recognized by a hundred countries and that we have nothing now.

Vučić recalled that in 1999 we had participated in an armed conflict protecting my goals in this defensive war and preserving.

"19 countries, the most powerful or stronger and more powerful than us. After having a history, the "standards before status" started in the March pogrom, and in 2008, the decision on independence was taken. For 100 countries for 10 years, you have an independent state, and in 2010 and 2011 we suffered a catastrophic irresponsible policy from Jeremic, Djilas, Jankovic, Tadic, and others. The International Court of Justice has declared that Kosovo gained its independence legally, at our request, at our request. Now someone would forget it, but not the other side and no one in the world will do it. We have to pay the price of our mistakes, "said Vucic

He said that we strive to keep something everyday, that we have something in KiM

" Everyone who criticizes us every day know that I'm right. We Serbs do not like to observe reality, we prefer to live in our own world and say "I will look like I want" because we were not ready to fight at about Kosovo, except to gather once in the city center and do nothing more than ads. Some of them in 2011 explained that we had won something, and then they said, "Never mind, forget about Kosovo," he said, adding that the same people who criticized him today were They have borders with the Serbian people.

His resignation is now sought by those who participated in the independence of Kosovo, and he goes, he says, to give – they realize more than he does.

Vucic said that nothing will be easy in Kosovo, but it is better we have an agreement, but we do not have it.

"All those who oppose it, like Jankovic 's academician, who wants to stand up because we have nothing today, I say that it' s not the same thing. is not a problem to resign because our president and the government were silent when they proclaimed independence, they turned to the International Court of Justice, they said they would bring anything On the other hand, he

"For those who say that it is not a good time, I can say that it will never be better for us. When will there be a better time? When does the United States collapse? Then we send 20,000 Serbs to fight, against 100,000 who care more. Where are the 20,000 who will die to find us? You do not ask how many people were "withdrawn" from the army the day they were able to go to Kosovo, said Vucic

Vucic on Montenegrin officers in Kosovo: This is not the case. not a friendly act

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic He felt that Montenegro did not send his soldiers to Kosovo.

Vučić recalled that the Montenegrin Prime Minister, Duško Marković, during his visit to Belgrade and during a conversation with him, stated that Montenegro Gora understands how much KIM is a painful and difficult issue for Serbia and treat it with special care, taking into account the interests of Serbia and what Serbia is saying …

Vucic: Serbs are not a place in KSF, but it is not a place for them. there is no pressure

President Aleksandar Vucic, stressing that this is his position, and that there is no pressure on the Serbs to let them strengths. "Serbia is acting responsibly, and we are saying what we would like, but the question is, why are these forces being reinforced and in what way," Vucic told the press. He stressed that no one asked the Serbs and that Pristina said that Belgrade was putting pressure on them. is the pressure if we say that we would not want the Serbs to fire on the Serbs, because what other army would serve? They have not attacked Albania, the Macedonian Albanians, or the Montenegrin Albanians, with whom they have borders, "he asked, noting that this army did not come to Albania. makes sense if it were to start against the Serbs and Serbia. that it is normal for the Serbs to shoot at each other, as they used to do, fighting in the Austrian and Turkish armies: "If that's what I say the pressure … call it like you want. I did not do anything else. I saw that I was a kind of leader of the "Northern Army" in northern Kosovo. I saw everything and everything, and I did not do it. But even if I did, I would not violate the Constitution of Serbia, "he said, adding that Serbia would no longer allow silence to kill its people. I've said more than ten times that Storm, Flash and all the other crimes "They did not ask us … They are sovereign, they can do it, but they know what is our attitude towards the KiM. The fact that they are doing something so important, one, two or three people, that is to say that it serves no purpose except that they fulfill the task that they do. they received from NATO, "said Vucic

. guys, you do your job.We know that this is not particularly favorable to Serbia.We will do our job, and that's 39. is everything, there is no great philosophy, and you are forced to say how wonderful it is … and now you and both of you will save our monasteries … talk about this history to someone else, "Vucic said.

Vucic on the Alliance for Serbia: Do not worry, it does not matter …

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic commented today on the formation from the opposition bloc in the Alliance for Serbia, initiated by Dragan Djilas. opposition parties, including the People's Party of Vuk Jeremic, declaring that it expects all of them to unite

"I'm waiting at what they join Bosko Obradovic, Milan (Milan) Stamatovic. . .. more – what is called the shovel of Sabac, the one who stole all the banks – Dusan Petrovic, the big thief, I'm waiting to join him too. When you ask me what is not dealt with, ask the judges and prosecutors that they asked … but, a serious scapegoat, "Vucic said.

Vucic, he says , expects everyone to unite

Vucic: They steal Serbia, and now they talk to someone?

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today On the question of commenting on accusations that Serbia looted contracts with Chinese without a bidding process Serbia

According to him, they are attacked by those who have worked without studies and projects

"Who accepted the credit of Ljig-Preljin with Azerbaijan on credit and who is directly without tender? Me or someone else? We have just paid what they have accepted. And we are happy that we have worked with Azerbaijan, "notes Vucic

It is amazing that people who have practically made the offer for not complaining have been so scornful.

He recalls that one of these people has a fortune of 25 million euros and it is reported, and this is not all that he has.

"Why do not you ask the workers here that they do not have as many?" And they say to someone who works in Serbia and builds it like a robbery. will you do, shrug your shoulders and do your best for Serbia? "
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