Brnabić and Iconon on current problems


Prime Minister Brnabić stressed that Serbia's strategic goal is to join the European Union, but that the country's overall reforms, initiated earlier, are important primarily for the sake of citizens and the economic prosperity of the state [19659002]   brnabic, ikonen

The prime minister felt that the most important changes in the field of justice are for the moment, adding that she expects that after following the recommendations of the Venice Commission and completing the reforms in this area, Ambassador Ikonen said that Finland supports the process of European integration of Serbia and the EU. enlargement of the European Union, stressing that the Western Balkans region will be the focus of discussions after the presidency of the Finnish Council of the European Union next year [Ilasoulignéquesonpaysadebonnesexperienceesenmatièredecoopérationrégionalemaisaussideluttecontrelacorruptionetqu'They'agitd'expériencesimportantesquelaFinlandepeuttransmettreànotrepaysIcononasaluél'engagementdugouvernementdelaSerbieetduPremierministredanslamiseenplacedel'administrationélectroniquesoulignantquelatransparencedansl'administrationpubliqueestlemoyenleplusefficacedeluttercontrelacorruption[19659004]. Media strategy as an important document for the regulation of media freedom.

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