WORLD in Croatia: "Ludnica" before the final SP


Croatia has been very busy since the early hours of the morning because all "sharpened" for the match against France in the fight for the title of World Football Champion

<img src = "http: / / "alt =" Photo: AP / Nikola Šolić

/ Marko Tanasković, MONDA report from Croatia / [19659004] Euphoria is a gentle gesture for the status of Croatia after the placement of their national team in the finals of the World Championship in Russia

Let go of the radio and this state and you will be clear that the situation is not On the day of the semifinals, every week began with the announcement of the match, but there were a lot of fan songs dedicated to the team and all day.

The cars are curved with banners hung on the windows or on the hood, mirrors, also with symbols of tat.

Yet a real "shock" is to see the people on the streets who are massively in the team's jerseys. And not only those we suppose to play football and Mundial, but also much younger.


The day of the last game of the store will work shorter, and on the eve of the Croatian railways will be transported by passengers to Zagreb is half the price and will be introduced and departures extraordinary

Otherwise, t-shirts "squares" and replica jerseys, besides domestic, massively buy many tourists. And the new blue-black jersey is particularly popular among teenagers because, as one 15-year-old said, "it's just a hole". Beaches are the main attraction of temporary "tattoos" in the form of mini-sausages, which are hidden throughout the country.

Even the quiet "islands" blamed. So in a small place on the island of Prvić near Šibenik, the placement in the final is celebrated by the real torch.

"I think the climax has already reached the finals because we will celebrate even if we are others." MONDO says Nikica Vlahov from Zagreb, who admits that he does not want to go to the finals. He is not a football fan but has played most games in Russia.

He was, like many others, reserved for what the Croatian national team could do to make this on Mundial, although, as he says, the team is unusual and knows if this composition will be repeated again.

We asked Nikica if Croatia was looking at "the origin" of the player, or what club they are

"Certainly not, it's only important for fans of club fanatics who do not have too much, and they boycott everything that the Croatian Football Association and even the national team are. " says our interlocutor.

This 37-year-old man says he is very happy to be welcomed on the Ban Jelačić square in Zagreb

"No matter the end of the finals and I am confident that we will have the French, there is will have 200,000 more people (as it was in 1998 when Croatia won third place in the SP in France) and will be an absolute show. "

Besides the results on the ground, this Neighbors success has a broader meaning. According to information provided by the Croatian Tourism Organization, the term "Croatian" has been searching the internet for a few days on the Internet

The success of the Croatian team is proof that anything is possible, regardless of the Man or country considered as Riječanka Mirna Turčinović, lives and works in the Czech Republic

She traveled to Croatia for the finals, and she has already seen all the matches in Prague with our friends from our region who, in these last matches, all came to Croatia. ] "Except for ours, congratulations to me and friends around the world, which is really great, although I do not deserve the success of the team." Mirna is sincere, especially pleased to see this place awake

Finals of the World Volleyball Championship in Russia, France – Croatia plays today, from 17 hours

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