"A terrible message of independent assassination can be silenced!"


The Swiss ambassador to Kosovo, Jean-Iber Lebet, said that the killing of Oliver Ivanovic is a terrible but clear message.

He pointed out, according to the KoSSev portal, that this means that people who speak and speak independently can be silenced.

"And the perpetrators can count on impunity … Since the murder of Ivanovic, it's been exactly six months." Investigation to take place.This is particularly difficult for his family, who wants the justice is respected, but it is also very difficult for all people living in Kosovo who think independently.The desperation of the police and justice in Kosovo is supported by the silence of Belgrade which has launched an investigation into this case without any result so far, "said Lebet.

Lebet also called on the authorities to make extra efforts, to shed light on the murder and to punish the perpetrators, because "such acts must not go unpunished," he said.

"Many people, including me, remember Oliver Ivanovic as an independent and strong person who has expressed his opinion, regardless of the potential damage that could lead to it. In a democratic society, everyone should freely express their opinion and not be afraid of being killed because of it, "concluded the ambassador

HERE HERE who says that the master singer will recognize Kosovo a few months

Source: Kossev

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