Take care of your laptop if you want it to take care of you
L & D One of the biggest advantages of having a laptop you can use wherever you want
Yet even though you can carry it everywhere with you, there is a place where you should not leave it
Here's the easiest way to clean your phone, headset and laptop – do not ruin them
If you like to watch movies or work in bed, you should not let the # 39, computer directly on the bed or pillow.
The case with desktops and laptops requires a certain amount of air around the internal components to prevent the temperature from rising inside, which can be fatal.
If you turn on the notebook, you will see several grids draw and air in the case
This stream of air cools the component while drawing heat around them
However , the jorgins, blankets and pillows block the fresh air intake from below, causing an increase in temperature and damaging the material. There is nothing wrong with using the computer in bed, but make sure that it is on the proper stand or on a hard surface while it is working [VIDEO:Aportablecomputerexplosedaallumelafirm
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