MITROVIC FOR "NEWS" ON FOURTH FEP: Hungarians are dangerous | Other sports


Stankovic |

July 23, 2018 07:27 |

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We must not look at them through this first match with the Italians. They are always good, fight and talented for this sport. We have always played heavy matches – the goalkeeper of the Serbian national team


DELFINI, before the trip to Barcelona, ​​is expected to meet Hungary on Thursday (17.00) in quarterfinals. The northern neighbors, who do not shine here yesterday in the eighth final, have not allowed the Dutch to surprise them (12: 9) and have scheduled a big deal with the champion of Europe. Tuesday, July 24 is for both "D-Day" selections, because the winner enters the medal bout. Two years ago in Belgrade, the Serbs won the third consecutive title, while the Hungarians enjoyed the bronze medal.

He would fight with his great rival for the semifinals and no goalkeeper on our water polo team, Branislav Mitrovic, had any doubt. One of the best network guards in the world is in Hungary for eight years, his Hungarian counterparts speak Hungarian more than fluently, and for "Novosti" he has slightly analyzed the expected rivals in the quarterfinals:

READ THE FOLLOWING: SERBIA Hungary for the semi-finals

– We must not watch them through this first match with Italy (5:12), that they opened badly and convincingly lost, although they played an excellent game. The Hungarians are still Hungarians … They are always good, always fighting, talented for this sport.

Hungarians have little and rejuvenate the team …

– They must all do it sometimes, when they start and reach goals. They now have a team of 25-26 players. Maybe they lack the experience that they had in the past, but it's something that happens.

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The rivalry between water polo players of Serbia Hungary lasts decades …

– History, forever … Always difficult games, usually with a big problem. We know each other well, there can be no question of tactical surprises. How much they know us, so much and we know them. Our seven or eight players play in Hungarian clubs. Playing with Hungary is in itself a sufficient reason. There is a difficult game ahead of us, but it is always the case at all competitions. I hope we have managed to improve the form in three games in the group and that in the quarterfinals we will be at the required level – says Mitrovic, who went from Eger this summer to the ### OSC

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The Olympic winners trained in camera with the host Spain yesterday. There was also a strengthening of the expert staff, because Vladimir Vujasinovic came, as in previous competitions. In other words, VSS President Jelenić met with coach Savić, his associates and Director of Operations Đorđević.

OUR LADIES are reporting today on their participation in the EP. The water polo players are fighting for ninth place from 15:00 with the Israelis. The Serbs want to finish the league with victory and defensive placement, which they achieved two years ago in Belgrade.
– The tension that resulted from a series of defeats has finally passed. However, games with such teams are welcome to us. Against Israel, we must be calm, not lose our heads. In the quarterfinals, Greece and Russia (17.00), Italy – Hungary (18.30), the Netherlands – Germany (20.30), France – Spain (22.00), they are today [19459017] window.fbAsyncInit = function ()
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