Observation and reading of the total lunar eclipse | The world of science


The Alfa Astronomical Society and the Department of Physics PMF are organizing this week a series of activities entitled " Watermelon is the Red Night Over Nis " on the occasion of the total eclipse of the Moon.

Total Eclipse The Moon will perform in Friday, July 27 . Eclipse starts on Friday at 19:14 hour of our time, and lasts until Saturday at 1:28. The total lunar eclipse starts at 9:30 pm and will last until 11:13 pm. The summit of the eclipse will occur at 22:21, then the Moon will be located approximately to the southeast

The darkening of the moon is visible to the naked eye, and can also be seen through all the binoculars or telescopes. No protection is needed for observation (as opposed to the solar eclipse). If the sky is clear and weather permitting, all interested astronomers will be able to see the eclipse of the Astronomical Observatory aboard the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics . The observatory will be open for to visitors from 8:30 pm .

A day earlier, in on Thursday, July 26 at the AMF amphitheater, prof. Dr. Dragan Gajić will hold a scientific conference on which we will talk about our natural satellite and the eclipse. The conference begins at 19: 00h the entrance is free.

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