RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH: Did the Americans land on the moon? | World


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July 27, 2018 5:30 pm |

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Astronaut Nil Armstrong and pilot Edwin Oldrin secure the Apollo 11 module on the surface of the Moon on July 20, 1969

More than half of Russians (57%) do not do not believe that American astronauts In 1969, they landed on the moon and believed that US authorities had fabricated shipping documents, according to a poll of the Center for Research on Public Opinion (VCIOM) , reports the RBK portal. has a secondary education. In total, 24% of those surveyed think that Americans are actually on the moon

Astronaut Nil Armstrong and pilot Edwin Oldrin install the Apollo 11 module on the surface of the Moon on July 20, 1969 . Armstrong became the first man to reach the surface of the Moon

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Also, the VCIOM survey has showed that 45% of Russians believe in the existence of strangers. Another 42 percent of respondents think that extraterrestrials do not visit Earth or do not exist.

An absolute majority of respondents (93%) believe that our planet is shaped like a bullet. But 3% of Russians believe that the Earth is flat, and scientists deliberately deceive everything. For 4% of respondents, it was difficult to answer this question.

A VCIOM telephone survey was conducted on May 29 and May 30. The search involved two thousand respondents. The statistical error does not exceed 2.2%


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