Online show / News / Society / Feeders for Belgrade Birds


The Serbian Society for the Protection and Research on Birds has started activities on the wintering of birds. They invited citizens to make bird feeders and cereal preparations whose price is much more affordable at harvest time. The first of a series of feeders to put this company around Belgrade was given to one of the most beautiful building sites in the city.

– We decided to act in this yard, the people and the paradise of the birds that they themselves created. We urge citizens not to feed birds with cereals, but to place cereals in a place where birds will be out of reach of cats – said Milan Ružić of the Serbian Society for Protection and Study .

Nikola Spasić, former guitarist of IrieFM, made the first tour of Belgrade's bird treats. Nikola has found himself at the center of public attention for the fake and careless gesture in July of this year when he destroyed a city pigeon stretcher and an act on the social network.

Following his own plea of ​​guilty and many convictions of citizens, Nikola asked the Serbian Society for the Protection and Research of Birds to help him find a better way to better understand his race and better protect it.

– I am grateful to the people of the Society of Protection and Study of Serbia for understanding this case and have given me the opportunity to do it, to correct it and to to contribute to the protection of birds. I realized my mistake, I am really sorry for the gesture I made, and I am grateful for people's reactions. I also realized that it was not enough to apologize, but after that, I say, "What can I do to correct it?" I'm not proud of what I did, let alone how I did it, and after the act, I could not answer on social networks, but I felt the need to find a way to fix it. that is what we are doing today for the general benefit of birds – he said when setting up a grocer Nikola Spasić.

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