Vesti Online / News / Society / Today cloudy, hot and unstable The wind is weak and humid, from the west, northwest.


In Serbia, the weather will be cloudy, hot and unstable with the local presence of rain and flakes of thunder. The lowest temperature is 16 to 20 ° C, the highest of 26 to 30 ° C per day, said the Republican Hydrometeorological Institute.

In Belgrade, there will be cloudy weather, hot and unstable, sometimes with rain and local storms.

The windshield is weak and wet, to the west, to the northwest. Lowest temperature 19 C, higher daily around 27 C.

Chances of time for seven days to August 4th:

Visibly cloudy, hot and unstable with frequent rainfall, rain and thunderstorms. Temperature around eye drops, 26 to 30 degrees C.


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