During the evening in the "Co-operative" rally, Lazar Colic approached Luni ogani to tell him that Miljana Kulić liked him very much and that he regretted that the blogger and she nurtured him no good relations. This was noticed by Kulic, so she immediately came to Djogani to transfer it.
"Thank you for talking about bad information about me," interrupted Miljana Luna.
"Your boyfriend came to tell me that we should not argue, if you did something, you were terribly misled, I told him to get away from me just because I knew you were going to get drunk, "she began. Moon and Miljana added to not touch her!
"I'm attacking you," laughs Kulic's annoyed Moon.
As the thing took control, Zerina noticed it and she came quickly to warn Miljan that it was time to leave the house of Ogani and that a conflict broke out! Joganyi immediately went to get the Zola that she had started throwing up, then Miljana came and why an even bigger scandal happened.
"She came to me first and said," Your boyfriend is approaching me and saying that you like him a lot "Come on, I laugh and laugh at myself", exchanged Miljana Zoli.
"She came to see you first, and if I said that and did not say that," Zola added.
Miljana has not abandoned the provocation of her boyfriend. At one point, she even felt neglected. She cried and resettled. She decided to prepare herself verbally with her stronger half.
"You have found a church where you will pray, a fuk * etina allows me to breathe in. With those who can not see me looking at me, you are good with them, you have never defended me …. What's a guy who he will never be able to defend me, but he's calling me sick, what am I going to do, "shouted Miljana Zola.
"Tell me just one reason I deserved your doubts. You ruined my night, "said Zola, then shouted in vain.
Kurir.rs/Foto Prntscreen
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