How not to patetize, I was born again today: the wife of Ognjen Amidžić cried in the middle of the cafe! (PHOTO) | Telegraph


The model Danijela Dimitrovska, wife of Ognjen Amidzic, brought her son to the world five years ago. Today, she has appeared on social networks with an emotional message.

– It's a great day today. I do not like the pathetic, but how not to be pathetic when I was born again on November 29, 2013, as if life did not exist before him? Everything has become different, everything has taken on a different meaning, everything has improved, it's better … And so, while I write this in a café and I drink coffee, I try to hide the tears of joy that twisted me uncontrollably (crazy mother) … She cries with joy, I have it, a tear of gratitude, for that's all my world, my air, my heart, my life! There is no word that could describe this feeling … they have not yet invented. My son, happy birthday, "wrote Daniel.

The announcement of Danijel on Instagram, Printskrin: Instagram / danijeladimitrovska

"We are happy with this and every day with you, because you are a genius (modestly and objectively as a mother can), and you are happy for me every year and be as you like – infinitely a lot – added Dimitrovska .

Danijela with his son, Photo: Instagram / danijeladimitrovska

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