Zerina Hećo and Bana Čolak put their point of view on their love story, while Zmina's mother, Jasmina Đorđević, although she is not happy about the end of one's life. love, think that's always the best.
"The ideal solution was to break, it was inevitable, wait a moment, I'm not happy, but it was the best," she said in the show "Cooperatives , the family of cooperatives, "and she continued:" I said to my call that Zerin Baneta did not like, I had the impression that she would drag him up to # New Year's Day. There is no love. This is the best and only solution because this relationship has come to nothing, "she concluded.
On the other hand, although she does not want to appear publicly and comment on the events of Cooperative 2, Zerina's mother, she was informed of everything and had something to say.
"She will soon answer all that, she informed me, so I'm going – she will come soon," said Jovana, Zerina's best friend.
Obviously, the tears of tears were decided and she decided to support her publicly after all that had happened to her imagination.
"My opinion is that there was love, but that changed with time, and after her false tears, it was a bad psychotic treatment in my life and she attended the rescue from her husband." Zerina's mother is not happy because she's suffering from Zerina. that Zerina is alone, that she does not need anyone, "added a friend.
Kurir.rs/Foto: Printscreen Pink
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