A new option against fake news on WhatsApp


WhatsApp has added a feature in the fight against false information by which you can see if the message of an author or just you transmitted it.

False news and misinformation about WhatsApp has taken so many false accusations about child trafficking and organs led to violence in which 12 people were killed, according to 24sata.com

They reacted to Fejsbuk by publishing creations that try to educate users of this application, which they own, in key daily newsletters. WhatsApp itself introduces a new option.

A new tag that tells you that you've sent a message will make it easier to track conversations between groups and users and let you know if your friend is the author of the text or someone else's. 39; another. WhatsApps reminds users and thinks before sending a message.

However, as all messages are encrypted, WhatsApp can not handle fake news like Fajsbuk, which scans and examines all public ads looking for suspicious content.


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