A sad day for me, the star showed how big it is


  Milojević: A sad day for me, the star showed how great

and the game and the result. All that is needed in the summer qualifications, and even more than that, showed the red star against Suduva. Maltene has got the third round of qualifications for the Champions League, as it is hard to believe that the Lithuanians will be able to close the match after the match on the Marakana.

Again, they packed three pieces in the red and white APOEL network.
Congratulations to the players.The first half has been successfully completed.These are important matches, some guys have played on the limits of possibilities.We can be happy that the team raises the form, but we can even better.We expect a heavy weight in seven days, we will go as if 0: 0. " said after the match Vladan Milojevic .

The coach of the Serbian champion in brief sketches touched the game.
"And at half-time, after 2: 0, we expected the opponent to come out and try All spanking can be fatal, if you make a mistake, the opponent will score and come back to life.That's why we played safely.We did not allow Suduvi to have a lot of interruptions, that's his most powerful weapon. "

Lorenz Ebesilio was presented to the public in Belgrade, showing that it could be an asset. to get to the elite.
" I have congratulated Ebisilius.As I have already said, we can expect a lot from him.Raise the form and will be even better in the sequel " Milojevic
presented, explaining that the first change was mandatory. " Nenad Krstičić had an unfortunate shot, and with the words" I would not comment on Legija or Trnava when the Lithuanian journalist went there. we will talk about " Vladan Milojevic looked at another detail, which has no point of contact with football.
" It was a sad day for me, because of what happened in Greece.I express my deepest sympathy to the families of the victims." was in touch with our ambassador.The star showed once again how great it was when she gave her mail to the victims.I hope that Greece will recover.C & # 39; is our orthodox wish and I want them all the best "said the visibly excited trainer of red and white. e, v, n, t, s)
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