Agrokor accepted, for 80.2% of the commissioners


ZAGREB – Agrokor entrusted today to the basketball center "Dražen Petrović" in Zagreb, 451 days after the activation of "lex agrokora", said a settlement in the process of "Dra agro agro [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[extraordinaryadministration

The agreement was accepted with 80.20% of total claims. Of the total claims of 33.75 billion HRK, the creditors have supported the amount of 27.07 billion HRK

As pointed out Judge Nevenka Siladi-Rstić, she will still be able to make a decision confirming the regulation today. He stressed that supervision of the work of extraordinary administration remains under the jurisdiction of the commercial court until the implementation of the regulation.

Earlier in the vote, the judge said the voting rights amounted to $ 8.4 billion. the voting rights, which meant that the voting right represented a total of HRK 33.759 billion of creditors, and the amount of creditors' claims amounted to HRK 31.8 billion. The settlement required HRK 22.5 billion.

Out of 3,069 creditors, they were in the room on August 2, 1978. All were not personal, but their representatives accounted for 10-20 and even 100 creditors at the same time.

At the beginning of the hearing, complaints from representatives and businesses arose due to incorrect claims for which the judge paused on two occasions to prolong the queues. Waiting for Claims

Thus, the "ZG Holding" complained of the amount of their claims contained in the settlement text. They argued that they had not paid for everything that had been reported and that the amount of the accounts receivable had been reduced. As they calculated, the difference was 19.2 million kuna (2.6 million euros). The lawyer "Agroko" said that it was an error in writing and computer science.

Tomislav Orehovec, attorney for Ivica Todoric, said he was concerned that files such as "ZG Holding" had not yet been filed.

"Since the extraordinary administrator has up to now told to whom and how to propose voting rights, we need a little more time to agree than the tables (with the claim) will continue, "she told the creditors. Judge Siladi-Rstić, announcing the last break

In the objections and appeals from the creditors, the amounts of claims differ from the amounts quoted in the settlement text ranging from 900 HRK (121.7 to 92 million) (12.44 mi -lion evra)

The vote took place in two phases: the first concerns the approval of the voting rights of the creditors of the disputed claims and the second the vote of the creditors on the regulation itself [19659012]. but using a mobile application developed for this purpose by the company "Agrokoro-va" "m-Start" m2voting.

According to the rules, the settlement process ends when the creditors, that is, their agents sign a hearing minutes, and the results will be released upon a judge's decision. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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